Thursday, August 30, 2007

I like Quizzes! (thanks Eva!)

What book I am:

You're Stranger in a Strange Land!

by Robert Heinlein

Most people look at you and think of you as a Martian, even though you
were born on Earth. Silly Earthlings, er, people. Anyway, you've been telling people
about free love and relaxing like it's some radical idea. Most of them want you to go
back to the '60's (or Mars), but others are in your groove. Grok on!

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

What animal I am:

You're an Oyster!

You don't have a ton of complexity or identity on your own, so you've
made an effort to focus on making a nice and sturdy house. It gives you the
appearance of being interesting as well as a good place to hide from your critics
and those who might expose your secrets. At least you can remind us all of what
humble beginnings we've all come from. People associate you with really good

Take the Animal Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

What Country I am:

You're Cambodia!

Life's been really rough, but it's slowly improving. You know
way too much about the skeletal structure of humans, mostly from being forced to study
it. This has given you a fear of many things, most especially the color red.
The future has to be more promising though, and your greatest adversary can now
never come back to hurt you any more.

Take the Country Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid

What State I am:

You're New Hampshire!

You're obsessed with independence, and may even be a libertarian. For
you, freedom means doing whatever you like without worrying about the petty concerns of
others. You're a big fan of throwing out slogans that threaten those who might infringe
on your freedom. And yes, everything is set in stone for you. You built your house on the
granite. Sadly, your greatest material inspiration recently fell down and can never be

Take the State Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

I did the presidential ticket one, and it ended up VERY scary, so I don't want to post it!

Have Fun!

Just me,
Fran =)


At 7:29 AM, Blogger Someone said...

You were NH? How cool is that? My presidential one came out weird too.

At 8:49 AM, Blogger Fran =) said...

I was a little suprised to be NH, actually...went back and tried different routes, though, to see how to get to NY or VT

At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, let me see....

I was an Advocating Dreamer
The Animals
Gingrich-Dole (Horrors! NEVER!!!)
The Empire Builder
The University of Wisconsin



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