Wednesday, October 11, 2006

money blows!

I just talked to a social worker from the the adoption agency today so we can set up an intake interview.
She mentioned that she noticed that we applied a year ago and she wanted to inform us that their placement rates have gone up.
I said "Ahh...ok....."
She said that the DOUBLED!


She wanted to make sure that that did not make it to prohibitive.
I said, well, it will make it very hard to do, but if we do not do it now, we will keep putting it off and it will not happen.

I have to visit the bank tomorrow during my reak, I guess. We will see if we can get our line of credit (home equity) extended.


Just me,


At 12:55 PM, Blogger Someone said...

Wow....that's...very uncool. It's so strange how much money adoption costs. It's not like having access to funds is something that can make them sure you'll be a good parent, as if people with no extra cash are somehow inferior. Or people with lots of it are just all-around great people who are the type of folks that children should have as parents. The reverse isn't true either.

I have a feeling I am not making sense. I know what I want to say, and you probably do too. But I am suffering from lack of sleep. SO I will sign off, and try to take a nap.

Love ya!


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