Monday, January 30, 2006

So, here's the deal...

I really have no clue why I was sent home from Florida.

Yea, I was sent home. Not fired, she made it clear that I still have a job with them when they come back to NY.

She (Beth, the owner) brought me into the office and started talking about how one reason they brought me down to FL was to see if I would be a good barn manager. She thinks that I would not be willing to put in the 14 hours a day she thinks it is going to take to run her new faculity. OK, sure, whatever, I said. I was in a great mood when she started the talk. So I was like "OK, thats alright."

So she goes on to say that she knows that I was not happy down there before Christmas and how she did not expect me to go back down there.
"OK" I said. "I am doing much better now, working very hard, as Kim [the trainer], has told you and I am MUCH happier now."
She agreed and said that I was much happier, but she did not think I would be barn manager in the future.
"OK" I said.
Then she said, "So, when do you think you will want to go home, we will help you ship your stuff back."


Yea. I'm still kind of puzzled why.
Talking to Kim, we figured out that Beth never saw past the first few weeks when I was miserable. I came back from Christamas working my ass (sorry John) off and very happy to be there. But she set unrealistic ideals and she had her mind made up after the first couple weeks I was there and turn off after that.

Yea, well, I still don't understand.

But I still have a job with them when they come home.

Yea, right.

Just me,
Fran =)


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