Wow, that was an awsome meeting with the social worker!
The best bit of news was that all we pay is:
1- Application fee $250
2- Homestudy fee $950ish
3- Personal lawyer fee $? no clue $2000-6000 as a guess maybe more hopefully less...
4- Placement fee $11,000ish
Thats it. Now that seems a lot BUT we were expecting to pay an additional $5000-10,000 MORE for birthmother medical fees. But we do not! They are part of the placement fee! I asked the social worker that and when she said no, I just about cried I was so happy! Though I think she thinks I am a little nuts for asking it. But thats alright.
And Merlyn was a VERY good boy when she came. We have him meet her outside and he only jumped on her once (for him, thats great!).
The only down side she said was that they have a pool of 17-20 hopeful adoptive parents, and last year they only had 6 placements. That could mean a long wait. I hope not, my fingers are still crossed for a short short wait!
Oh yea, timeline for being done with homestudy - 6-8 weeks from end of homestudy classes, so we are talking about end of December start of new year until we are put on the waiting list =)
Not bad.
Pray for a short wait!
Just me,
Fran =)