Just nothing, really...
Nothing going on.
No real ideas for posts.
My aunt, however, did pick up and ship my stuff from Florida.
*big sigh of relief*
The only things I have left with them is my bike (prolly would cost as much to ship it as it did to buy it, or more) and my half-chaps (I forgot to tell Kim to pack them, and anyway, they only cost me $25 so no biggie). I AM hoping to get both back when they come home. Actully, now that I am thinking of it, I did leave some things in the camper also (locked in the storage area), 6 pillows, coat hangers, a folding camp chair and 4-5 cases (8 packs) of Poland Spring Water). If that stuff is not there when they get back I will not be to upset.
I am still looking for a job, though I have not been to activly doing so lately. I have been working for Tara at her barn and working at the store some. I am going to be going to a job fair on Tuesday. 22 Employers will be there, we will see how that goes.
I did get a job offer from the lady that owns the farm that Tara is at (and running away from screaming). She called and was wondering if I would be willing to stay working there after Tara leaves. After talking with Tara about that possibility, I told Marcia (the owner) that I would, BUT I need to make at least $14 an hour and that I am currently working for Tara temporally and WAY under what I am usually paid to help her out. Well, she said she would think about it while she is on vacation. She will be back before the 1st, I guess we will see.
My Feburary reading, Liriel, is going slowly. I am a little over half way through the book, and more than half way through the month, I hope I finish it in time! =)
Anyone have a suggestion for me to read next?
Just me,
Fran =)