As an update to yeasterdays post...
Yesterday the Lowes hiring manager also left a message on my home machine (I talked to him, and said no, on my cell phone). So this morning when I went to listen to the message, it said that he will not be in the office until Monday. So at that point I decided that if I heard back from Grossmans with a schedule before then, then I will not call Lowes back, but if I did not hear from Grossmans by Monday then I would go ahead and call Lowes...
Following me?
So, anyway, this afternoon I got a call from Grossmans with my schedule for next week. So I took it as a sign. But I think that perhaps I will take this summer as a training session and perhaps next year (or possibally in the Fall/Winter if I am only seasonal at Grossmans) apply at Home Depot and Lowes again with more Nursery training under my belt. Somewhere that has benefits and a 401k =)
So...there you go...a bit of drama, but not really =)
One of my managers at CJ Banks just got a part-time job at a local liquer store. Which is pretty cool, for me, anyway. Here's why:
I just recently started making sushi (no raw fish, just veggies so far) and I was thinking of having a little dinner party and serving sushi. I also wanted to serve some Sake (pronounce, for those who don;t know, like Ss-ahh-kay) which they sell at that liqure store. SO now she get me some at a discount (hopefully)!
Just me,
Fran =)